Royal National Mòd News

Mòd Ghallaibh 2010 Results now online.

Published: 09 Oct 2010

The Mòd Ghallaibh 2010 results are now online as they happen.

Click on Results button in the Royal National Mod section of this website or just click on this link.

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Photographs from Mòd Ghallaibh 2010 now available.

Published: 09 Oct 2010

Graham Hood, the official photographer for Mòd 2010, has a collection of Mòd photographs available for viewing on his website:

Click on the Text below the Mod 2010 photo on the menu page to see the photographs by day.

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Contacting Mod Office

Published: 08 Oct 2010

The Inverness and Stornoway offices are now closed as we have relocated to Caithness for Mod 2010.

To contact us during mod week please email

From MONDAY ONWARDS you can call the Mod office on 01847 893 822.


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Change of Venues

Published: 08 Oct 2010

Tuesday Morning

Competitions C44A (Girls 9-10) and C70B (Boys under 13 Traditional) will now take place in Pennyland Primary School and NOT in St Peter’s & St Andrew’s Church as advertised.

Precenting Competitions

Please note - precenting Competitions in the Church may have a delayed start.

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New Start Time for Concert

Published: 06 Oct 2010

Please note that the Rural Choirs Concert will now start at 7.30pm in the Thurso High School Games Hall, instead of 8pm as previously advertised.

For any queries please contact the Mod Information Desk in Thurso High School during Mod week.

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Northern Constabulary

Published: 06 Oct 2010


Northern Constabulary are looking forward to a successful Mòd and to assist those visiting the area they have two fluent Gaelic speaking officers who will be on hand full time to provide advice and assistance.

Acting Inspector George Murray who is based in Wick and Constable Torquil Macleod who has been drafted across from Orkney are looking forward to the event and putting their native Gaelic language to good use.

Chief Inspector, Matthew Reiss said “The Northern Constabulary are delighted to be assisting with the first ever Mòd to be held in the unique county of Caithness. We look forward to an enjoyable week for everyone - both for the local population and all the visitors to the county.

“The emphasis will be on community policing given more than a Gaelic flavour by two fluent Gaelic speaking officers who have been assigned full time to the Mòd, namely Acting Inspector George Murray, based at Wick and Constable Torquil Macleod, based on Orkney.

“Officers will be particularly visible on the streets of Wick and Thurso and able to help with any queries, directions or unforeseen difficulties”.

Raymond Bremner, Convenor of the local organising committee added “Northern Constabulary have been very supportive from the word go in helping to get the arrangements in place to ensure that the Mòd is not only successful but safe for locals and visitors alike. I’d like to personally thank Chief Inspector Matthew Reiss for his invaluable input and to the two Gaelic speaking officers who will obviously be very busy for the coming week.”

Northern Constabulary are providing support and assistance to the Local Organising Committee at the various public events including the massed pipe bands march at 6.30pm from the Market Square in Wick to the Assembly Rooms on Friday 8th October for the Opening Ceremony and the march of the Massed Choirs at 10.30am from Thurso High School to the Old Town Hall on Saturday 16th October.

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Music Memory Store

Published: 06 Oct 2010

Janette Mackay was born and brought up in Strathy, Sutherland. Her parents belonged to Strathy and were fluent Gaelic speakers who were forced to speak English when they went to school. Janette spent her teaching career in North Sutherland (1966 – 2005) and was very much involved with Gaelic music and the Mod.

The picture shows Janette’s Junior choir and it’s worth noting that 25 % of the members of the choir have gone on to have a career that involves Gaelic.

My choice of Music Memory is “A’Mhàiri Bhòidheach” My father often recalled being belted in school for speaking Gaelic. Little wonder they did not encourage their family to speak this language which they were told would “hold us back”. Gaelic was spoken and sung and bagpipes played in our home throughout my childhood and I attribute my interest to my upbringing.

During my teaching career I had a small Gaelic choir which competed very successfully on many occasions at both local and National Mods. My most successful choir – The Farr Junior Gaelic Choir - had only eight members but they returned with the Trophy (sometimes two trophies) from National Mods in Stirling, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oban and Stornoway. This was during the 1980’s and what fun and enjoyment was had by both children and parents who supported and accompanied them.

I believed it was very important to make sure that the children learned our traditional local songs, like The Waters of Kylesku, Naver Bay and our best loved Gaelic song Gleann Gollaidh.

When I meet former pupils at a function or ceilidh they are happily singing these songs – even the boys or perhaps I should say especially the boys!

With the help of Feis Air An Oir , the Tongue Gaelic School and the Gaelic pupils from Farr High School, there is a noticeable uptake in the learning of Gaelic in our area and whereas it used to be spoken mainly by the older generation, very soon it will be spoken mainly or solely by our young folk. That is a very encouraging prospect and so I forsee a much more positive future for the Gaelic language and music in North Sutherland.

Is e an t-òran “A Mhàiri Bhòidheach” a thagh mi. Bhiodh m’ athair gu tric a’ cuimhneachadh air slaiseadh fhaighinn san sgoil airson a bhith bruidhinn na Gàidhlig. Is beag an t-iongnadh, ma ta, nach do bhrosnaich iad an cuid chloinne gu Gàidhlig a chleachdadh oir is ann “a chumadh an cànan air ais iad”. Bhiodh Gàidhlig ga bruidhinn is ga cleachdadh san dachaigh againn nuair a bha sinn ag èirigh suas. Is e sin as coireach gu bheil ùidh agam dhan chànan.

Fhad ’s a bha mi a’ teagasg bha còisir bheag Ghàidhlig agam a bhiodh a’ gabhail pàirt ‘s na Mòdan Ionadail is Nàiseanta. Cha robh ach ochdnar sa chòisir shoirbheachail seo – Còisir Òg Sgoil Fàr. Is iomadh duais a choisinn iad aig na Mòdan Nàiseanta - Sruighlea, Dùn Èideann, Glaschu, An t-Òban agus Steòrnabhagh. Bha seo sna 80an agus is mòr an toileachas a thug e don chloinn is dham pàrantan a bhiodh tric a’ tighinn nan cois.

Bha mi a’ creidsinn gun robh e cudromach gun ionnsaicheadh a’ chlann òrain thraidiseanta na sgìre mar: The Waters of Kylesku, Naver Bay agus an t-òran as caomh leinn uile, Gleanna Gollaidh.

Nuair a thachras mi ri seann sgoilearan aig tachartas no cèilidh bidh iad fhathast a’ seinn nan dearbh òran sin, eadhoin na gillean air neo na gillean a-mhain. Tha Gàidhlig air a brosnachadh san sgìre tro fhoghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann am bun-sgoil Thunga agus a-rithist tha Gàidhlig mar chuspair an Àrd Sgoil Fàr. Tha Fèis air an Oir cuideachd air cùl Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh. Aig aon uair bhiodh Gàidhlig ga cleachdadh le seann daoine ach is ann aig an òigridh a tha a Ghàidhlig an-diugh. Tha seo gu math taitneach do cheann-a-tuath Chataibh gu bheil an cànan is an ceòl beò da-riribh.

This song was sung by our very own Philip Todd in his first year as a Gaelic singer and he won the Mairi Mhor section of the Royal National Mod at Fort William in 2007.

A’Mhàiri Bhòidheach was recorded by Dochas on An Dàrna Umhail Released by Macmeanmna records in 2005 Catalogue SKYECD34

Copies of the CD are available to borrow, at no cost, from the collection of CD’s selected as Music Memory Store choices from the Wick and Thurso Libraries, as a partnership between the Mòd Ghallaibh Fringe and the Highland Libraries. It can be heard on Caithness FM as a part of the Hughie Manson Show on Monday evenings and on Radio nan Gàidheal.

Copies of this CD are available to borrow, at no cost, from the collection of CD’s selected as MusicMemory Store, from Wick and Thurso Libraries. It can be heard on Mondays 7-8pm on Caithness FM as a part of the Scottish Show with Hughie Manson and on Radio nan Gàidheal.

MusicMemory Store is a partnership between the Mòd Ghallaibh Fringe and the Highland Libraries – Caithness branches, Wick & Thurso.Contact The Mòd Ghallaibh Fringe:

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Lighting Up The Sky

Published: 06 Oct 2010

The Northern Night sky is beautiful and can be seen so plainly in Caithness on a clear night. If you have never experienced the clear dark blue skies sparkling with stars, comets and the Aurora Borealis then you now have an ideal chance to see this spectacular array of lights.

Genuine Images of the spacey lights will be projected against the white walls of T3/UK at Janetstown and will be accompanied by a text written by local astronomer, Jim Johnston and with a poetic response to the images by Catriona Lexy Campbell.

The projections will take place on Saturday 9th October and Wednesday 13th October starting at 10.30pm and is expected to last about an hour.

Warm clothes are recommended and those attending are encouraged to bring a torch. Parking is available on site, however numbers are limited and transport will be provided from provided departing from St Peters Church and St Andrews Church at 1030pm and returning after the event.

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Gaelic Showcase

Published: 05 Oct 2010

Below you will find the organisations who are taking part in the Showcase this year. Please come in and see them during the week.

Clì Gàidhlig <website no longer active>

Comhairle nan Leabhraichean


Mackay Country Community Trust Ltd

Mey Selections

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Scottish National Heritage

Shelagh Swanson, Artist <website no longer active>

Stòrlann Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig

Swelkie Felt <web page no longer active>

Comunn na Gàidhlig

Tobar an Dualchais

Pròiseact Nan Ealan <website no longer active>

My Pinkie Promise <website no longer active>

Graham Hood Photography <website no longer active>

Mòd Merchandise

North Highland College <website no longer active>

Caithness Stone <website no longer active>

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Published: 05 Oct 2010


BBC ALBA is delighted to announce that it will be broadcasting daily programmes live from this year’s Royal National Mod. The Mod, organised by An Comunn Gàidhealach, is the Gaelic community’s most prestigious celebration of arts, music, culture and language and this year’s festival takes place in Caithness for the first time.

BBC Gàidhlig will be producing five live programmes showcasing daily highlights from the festival from Monday 11 to Friday 15 October. On Monday, prominence is given to young Gaelic learners and the keenly contested James C MacPhee Memorial Medals which are open to boys and girls aged 13-15. On Tuesday the spotlight moves to young fluent Gaelic speakers and will feature the winners of the coveted Silver Medals. Wednesday’s programme will feature a Mod Fringe Cèilidh with performances from some of the competition winners and local artists. Thursday is gold medal day and the winning soloists are set to be the highlight of the evening’s programme along with the successful rural choirs. The final concert from Caithness on Friday will feature the winners of the prestigious Lovat & Tullibardine choral prize as well as many other winning performances from the week.

Mod 2010 will broadcast for two hours from 8.30pm except on Wednesday when it will air at 9pm. A 45 minute highlights edition will also be available each evening after 2320 on BBC TWO Scotland with a repeat the following afternoon at 1415. The programmes will be presented by highly acclaimed singer and musician Mary-Ann Kennedy.

One of the most popular events at the Mod each year is the Mire ri Mòir cèilidh, which is broadcast live on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal and BBC ALBA. Presented by Morag Dhòmhnallach, the show attracts capacity audiences. This year’s cèilidh will take place on Friday 15 October at the Thurso Royal British Legion starting at 10am.

Margaret Mary Murray, Head of Service for BBC ALBA, said: “Year on year, the Mod continues to gain international recognition drawing competitors and visitors not only from across the UK but also from Ireland, the USA, Canada and Australia. I am delighted that BBC ALBA and Radio nan Gàidheal are able to offer audiences the opportunity to enjoy the best of the Mod through our television and radio coverage, and to join in with the excitement of the event wherever they are”.

John Morrison, Chief Executive of An Comunn Gàidhealach, said: “We are delighted that BBC ALBA is extending coverage of the Mod. I am sure that the coverage will showcase the Mod at its best, and will also present the beautiful scenery of Caithness at its Autumn finest. “The extended coverage, and the comprehensive nature of the coverage, across a range of platforms, is a powerful endorsement of the National Mod. We are grateful to the BBC for the continued, and valued, support that they give to An Comunn Gaidhealach and to the Royal National Mod.”

Mod 2010 programming on BBC ALBA and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal will also cater for the younger viewers and listeners as the Aileag and De a-nis? teams capture all the fun and excitement of the event.

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Mod Programme Available

Published: 04 Oct 2010

The official Mod 2010 programme is now available to buy (£4 / £5). To order your copy please call 01851 703 487. Orders can be posted out until 5pm on Wednesday of this week (6th October).

Alternatively, programmes can be bought at various venues in Caithness throughout Mod week.

For any queries re. competitions, venues etc please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Call for Musicians

Published: 04 Oct 2010


The local organising committee are calling on all musicians to take to the streets for sessions during the Royal National Mòd 2010. Sessions are an informal way of gathering musicians together to play traditional music. So whatever your preference - Jigs, reels, songs – anything goes.

It’s spontaneous and unscripted; you meet all sorts of interesting people, swap tunes, join in, have a laugh and go home happy. A great example of this is in the Commercial Bar, Thurso every Wednesday.

For the past 11 years, the informal gathering of musicians, attracts local listeners and tourists from all over the world. Visiting musicians have come from Scandinavia to Spain on one side of the Atlantic, the USA and Cape Breton on the other. Regular players bring fiddles, Scottish border and small pipes, whistles, banjos, mandolins, guitars and there have even been visits from hammered dulcimer and oboe.

While these sessions normally take place in licensed premises, the Mòd Ghallaibh Fringe Committee is keen that Caithness particularly welcomes young Mòd-goers. For the first time every at a Mòd, the idea is that local and visiting musicians of all ages go out and play in public on the streets, meet each other and enjoy the experience.

Since the weather can be so unpredictable in October back up plans have made with several local organisations who have offered their premises as child-friendly venues. The venues include:

· Wick Pipe Band Hall in the evenings of Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th October.

· The Ormlie Club, Thurso, in the evenings, on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th October.

· Thurso Episcopal Church, from 2-4pm from Monday 11th to Friday 15th October.

The Pipe Band Hall and the Ormlie Club are both licensed premises but children are welcome. Members of local bands, including Whiskey and Clapshot, will be out and about joining in the fun and Caithness duo, Iain & Anne Moncrieff will lead the Thursday evening session in the Wick Pipe Band Hall. Local youngsters Fèis Ghallaibh will also take part.

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Fringe Programme Available

Published: 02 Oct 2010

The Mod 2010 Fringe Events Programme is now available, which details a range of events which will be taking place in Wick and Thurso throughout Mod week.

Pick up a copy of the Fringe Programme locally or view online at

To book tickets, or for further information regarding the Fringe programme, please contact Alex Patience, Fringe Converner -



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Royal Seal of Approval

Published: 01 Oct 2010


Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail (The Royal National Mòd), Scotland’s premier festival celebrating Gaelic linguistic and cultural heritage, will this year play host to a very special visitor, HRH The Duke of Rothesay.
On Thursday 14th October, HRH The Duke of Rothesay will visit the nine day celebration of Gaelic music, dance, drama, arts and literature, meeting local Gaelic and Caithness organisations, listening to Gaelic music and presenting the prestigious Gold Medals.

The Royal National Mod, which runs from Friday 8th until Saturday 16th October, is set to attract thousands of spectators to the Caithness towns of Wick and Thurso.
John Morrison, chief executive of An Comunn Gàidhealach said: “HRH The Duke of Rothesay will have the opportunity to meet some of the competitors, staff and local community who have worked hard all year to make this year’s Royal National Mod a success.

“Fourteen years ago, HRH The Duke of Rothesay visited the 1996 Royal National Mod in Blairgowrie and we’re delighted to welcome His Royal Highness back to the Mod, this time to Caithness to help celebrate the first time the Mod has been here in its 118 year history.”

John McLeod, president of An Comunn Gàidhealach, will join The Duke as he meets a select set of businesses and local producers as part of the Gaelic and Caithness showcase which takes place in The Dome, North Highland College in Thurso. His Royal Highness will have the opportunity to chat to some of the local Caithness businesses including Mackay Country Project, Swelkie Felt and Mey Selections who will be exhibiting their products and services as part of the showcase.

The Duke will also view a selection of the finest local food and drink produce on show as part of ‘Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink’, which is supported by EventScotland. The initiative has been launched to encourage people in Scotland to experience great produce on their doorstep.

Members of Caithness based Mey Selections whose products and ingredients are sourced from within a 100 mile radius of the Castle of Mey, the Queen Mother’s home in Caithness, will meet His Royal Highness and offer a taster of a specially designed shortbread for the Mod.

The Duke of Rothesay will also present the two winners of the Mod Gold Medal competition with their prizes. The Gold Medal, which can only be won once in a lifetime by an individual, is awarded for solo singing in Gaelic, with one medal for men and one for women. The winners will then treat HRH to an exclusive performance of the Gold Medal winning song.

Organised by An Comunn Gàidhealach, which is the oldest and most respected Gaelic organisation, The Royal National Mòd is a competition based festival which attracts competitors from Gaelic communities throughout the UK, Ireland, Australia, Germany, Canada and the USA and is considered the biggest event of the Gaelic calendar.

The festival kicks off on Friday 8th October with a grand opening ceremony taking place in the early evening followed by a traditional energetic ceilidh to get visitors in the mood for the week long competitive festival.

Paul Bush OBE, Chief Operating Officer at EventScotland, the national events agency, said: “We’re delighted to see HRH The Duke of Rothesay visiting The Royal National Mòd - one of Scotland’s most unique events celebrating Gaelic culture and heritage. It’s particularly fitting that His Royal Highness, such a passionate believer in the values of organic produce, should pay a visit in 2010 -Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink.”

The Royal National Mòd is supported by The Highland Council, Caledonian MacBrayne, EventScotland, the national events agency, through its International Funding Programme, Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Royal Mail, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and BBC Alba.
For full festival programme and details, visit our website.

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Cultural Value of Creativity

Published: 01 Oct 2010

Creativity, the Mòd and the economy in Caithness and Sutherland
On the eve of the Royal National Mòd’s launch in Caithness, international figures from the world of design are to meet business people from the North to explore the economic and cultural value of creativity.

Highlands and Islands fashion designer Sandra Murray MBE and international Art director and designer Simon Costin, are part of a day of events at Caithness Horizons in Thurso on October 7 which has been organised by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

As well as meeting the designers, businesses are being invited to a range of presentations from bodies including Arts in Business; Cultural Enterprise Office; Hi-Arts; Creative Highland and Mackay Country. Topics covered will include the development of festivals and events, how to raise funding from the private sector, current developments in the arts in Highland, the role of heritage and provenance in creative product and how to go about turning creative ideas - music, art, design, events and festivals of all sorts into real products.

The event will provide an opportunity for networking as well as access to specialist advice and the chance to learn more about resources which may be available to support development. Attendance is free but places are limited and should be booked in advance.

“Caithness is delighted to welcome the Royal National Mòd. As well as directly supporting the fringe programme HIE, as the region’s economic and community development agency, also wants to showcase the wonderful products and produce from the area to the many visitors the event will attract. Exploring the positive impact of events and festivals with businesses, and the role of the cultural and creative activity within this, helps us all recognise the valuable contribution they offer to economic development and the tourism sector,” said Rachel Skene, HIE’s Head of Tourism in Caithness and North Sutherland.

“We are thrilled that Simon, who has worked with so many of the top names in the fashion world including the late Alexander McQueen, has taken inspiration from the people, activities and history of the area and is capturing some of this as a unique display for the Mòd.”

John Morrison, chief executive of An Comunn Gaidhealach, said: “The Royal National Mòd is delighted to be associated with this prestigious event. We regard Sandra as a perfect Ambassador for our Language and Culture. In addition to being a world-renowned designer, Sandra is a fluent Gaelic speaker and a strong supporter of the Royal National Mòd. Her reputation and her connections in the world of design have allowed the Mòd to attract Simon Costin to Caithness. An Comunn Gaidhealach is indebted to Sandra, and to HIE, for bringing this innovative event to Caithness.”

The day’s events will culminate in a reception at Caithness Horizons, which is open to all and starts at 5.30pm, to unveil the HIE commissioned installation which will be on show for the duration of the Mòd in the window of Aurora, located at 5 Rotterdam Street, Thurso. Simon, who gave his own time for free, has worked extensively with world wide designers creating highly creative and imaginative art sets for photo shoots and catwalk shows. He has a personal interest in British heritage and folklore; his personal ambition is to create a Museum of British Folklore.

To guarantee your place at the event please contact Joan at Caithness Horizons by email or phone, or 01847 896508.

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Food & Drink Line Up

Published: 01 Oct 2010



Helping to celebrate Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink, Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail (The Royal National Mòd), Scotland’s premier festival celebrating Gaelic linguistic and cultural heritage, which is taking place in Caithness in October 2010, has announced the details of its food and drink programme.The nine day celebration of Gaelic music, dance, drama, arts and literature, running from Friday 8th until Saturday 16th October, is set to attract thousands of spectators to the Caithness towns of Wick and Thurso, two of the most northerly points of mainland Scotland. This is the first time in its 118 year history that the event has taken place in Caithness.

A selection of the finest local food and drink companies will be showcasing their products including ‘Mey Selections’, ‘Highland Business College ‘,’Good Highland Food’...and a host of other local suppliers. ‘Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink’, which is supported by EventScotland, has been launched to encourage people in Scotland to experience great produce on their doorstep.

The food element of the Mod will run throughout the week-long festivities from the 11th to the 15th of October and will feature an array of free culinary experiences using locally sourced produce through. Highlights include a welcome breakfast on Monday the 11th and a lunch on Tuesday the 12th of October, which will be catered for, using local produce, by The Highland Business College and will take place at The Dome, North Highland College in Thurso.

The Literature Awards lunch on Wednesday the 13th of October will be catered for by Thurso’s The Pentland Hotel, again using wonderful, fresh local produce. Caithness based Mey Selections whose products and ingredients are sourced, wherever possible, from within a 100 mile radius of the Castle of Mey, will be creating a delicious three course meal using top local chefs and fresh Caithness produce – this will be served at the Highland Business College on Thursday the 14th of October from 1.30pm.

Mey Selections has also designed and produced a specially branded shortbread for the Mod, which will be available to buy throughout the event.A lunch to confirm the Royal Mod 2014 location will take place on Friday 15th of October at the North Highland College catered for by Good Highland Food (located near Inverness). These events are all free and open to the public, Mod competitors & visitors – places are subject to availability.

As part of the Royal Mod Fringe programme, there will be Ready Steady Cook style events taking place in the college on 14th October as well as the Captain’s Galley event where Scrabster chef Jim Cowie will be carrying out food demonstrations on Friday 15th in the Captain’s Galley. Tickets for the Captain’s Galley event cost £10 and money will be split between two charities - RNLA and RNMDSF.

And if that’s not enough….there will also be a entertainment and culinary festival style event taking place in the Market Square, Wick on Saturday 9th October, running from 10am - 6pm. Entertainment will kick off at 11am on Stevens Stage and will feature an array of local and national artists including the renowned Skerryvore and Bodega – these daytime performances are free. Visitors will be able to browse, sample and purchase from various market stalls showcasing Northern & Gaelic traditions and wonderful local produce, ranging from everything from Old Pulteney malt whisky/liqueur and Berry Good flavoured vodka to goats’ cheese, bakery products, smoked products, pig roast, eggs and jams.... with more to be announced. Crafts and activities for children and adults will be on offer throughout the day Organisers are calling out for more food and craft stalls to take part – for more information and to register interest please contact John Bogle on

John Morrison, chief executive of An Comunn Gàidhealach said:
“Scotland’s larder is one to be proud of and we’re delighted with the food and drink line up which is planned for the event. There will be a wonderful array of culinary delights for visitors to sample, as well as the opportunity to enjoy a number of lunches and demonstrations taking place throughout the week.”

Paul Bush OBE, Chief Operating Officer, Event Scotland said: “The Royal National Mòd is an exciting event which we are delighted to be supporting through EventScotland’s International events programme and as part of Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink. The inclusion of some of the Highland’s finest local food producers in this year’s programme showcases the breadth and diversity of Scotland’s larder. Bringing together people from across the Highlands, it is a fantastic celebration of Gaelic language, culture and food and drink, one which contributes toward making Scotland the perfect stage for events.”

The Royal National Mod kicks off on Friday 8th October with a grand opening ceremony taking place in the early evening followed by a traditional energetic ceilidh to get visitors in the mood for the week long competitive festival. Competitions begin on Saturday 9th October and the main competitive element running from Monday 11th October, providing opportunities for people of all ages to perform in a range of competitive disciplines including Gaelic music, song, dance, drama, sport and literature. The grand finale will take place on Saturday 16th October when the Massed Choirs will gather and parade in Thurso town centre, led by local pipe bands.

For more information please contact or visit our website.

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Proudly Sponsored By

Sangobeg Investments Ltd

Sangobeg Investments Ltd

BBC Alba

BBC Alba

Caledonian MacBrayne

Caledonian MacBrayne



The Scottish Government

The Scottish Government

Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Creative Scotland

Creative Scotland

Event Scotland

Event Scotland

Argyll & Bute Council

Argyll & Bute Council



The Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation

The Gordon and Ena Baxter Foundation