Royal National Mòd News

Ceilidh House Tonight!

Published: 12 May 2020

Be sure to tune in to the Mod Facebook page tonight at 8.30pm for a fantastic evening of Gaelic song.

We will be bringing you a selection of live performances along with some past recordings of the winning An Comunn Gàidhealach Mod Gold Medalists of the 90s!

1990 - Gillian NicChoinnich
1990 - Dòmhnall Mìcheal MacAonghais
1991 - Wilma NicUalraig
1991 - Dòmhnall Moireach
1992 - Katrina NicEalair
1992 - Seòras Gunn
1993 - Mairead Stiùbhart
1993 - Seumas Gunn
1994 - Maggie Dhòmhnallach
1994 - Tormod MacFhionghuinn
1995 - Mairead J NicIllFhaoilean
1995 - Fionnlagh MacAoidh
1996 - Joanne Mhoireach
1996 - Alisdair Barnett
1997 - Alyth NicArmaig
1997 - Graham Neilson
1998 - Barbara Nic a’ Ghobhainn
1998 - Aonghas Mac a’ Ghobhainn
1999 - Joyce Mhoireach
1999 - Raymond Bremner

#MòdCèilidh #ancomunngàidhealach #ammòdnàiseantarìoghail #gàidhlig #gaelic #cleachdiaigantaigh

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Mod Ceilidh House

Published: 07 May 2020

Join us for a live virtual evening of Gaelic song and craic on the Royal National Mod Facebook page on the 14th of May.

The Mòd Ceilidh House – featuring some of the finest singers who won the Gold Medal in the 90s.

John Joe MacNeill will be our Fear an Taighe for the evening.

We will announce our guest artistes in the coming days – stay tuned!​

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