Royal National Mòd News

Inverness 400 Club

Published: 29 Apr 2013

The winners in the April draw for the 400 club are:

£250 M V Laycock, Nairn

£100 Iain Macaulay, Newmarket, Lewis

£50 Donald MacDonald, Stornoway


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Changes to Rules

Published: 26 Apr 2013

A number of changes have been made to the Rules of An Comunn Gaidhealach. Please read through these carefull in case any of them may affect your competitions.

You can view the changes below:

Rules of An Comunn Gaidhealach March 2013.doc

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A308 Amendment

Published: 25 Apr 2013

A308 Tha bean agam (Puirt)

Please click on the following amended musical insert for A308 noting additional changes. The insert refers to the port ‘Tha bean agam’, bars 43, 44 & 45 (page 26 of the booklet version). For choirs who are working from the electronic version, these are bars 147, 148 & 149.

INSERT A308.pdf

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Mod 2013 Entry Forms

Published: 17 Apr 2013

You can download entry forms for this year’s Royal National Mod here.

For further information, please contact 01463 709 705 or email:

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Changes to 2013 Prescribed Pieces

Published: 04 Apr 2013

The Mod Music Committee have issued changes to the following competition pieces. The changes should be adhered to for all these pieces. If you have any queries, please contact James Graham: or 01463 709 705.

A300-An Dubh-Ghleannach

Bar 45-Words in bass part should be as tenor part.

A302-Eilean mo chrìdh’

Bar 36, word should be ‘thall’ and not ‘ann’

A303-Och nan och ’s mi fo lèireadh

First note in the soprano’s part should be an E
flat, not an F.

Bar 39: Sop and Alto parts should sing ‘laill o ho’
and not ‘faill o ho’.

Bar 50: ‘Hù o ro ho io’, not ‘…a o ro ho io’

Bar 52: Word on first note is ‘ho’, not ‘o’

Bar 54: Word on first note is ‘ho’, not ‘hi’

Bar 78- should be ‘mhuir na mìll’ rather than ‘muir na mhìll’.
Bar 104: ‘laill o ho’, not ‘faill

Bar 106-the word in bass part should be, lèireadh’ and not ‘leiridh’

306-Haoidealan dubh

Bar 44-The word ‘Tha’ is missing in alto part (on the last quaver).


Tha bean agam-bar 124 (bar 20 in booklet), tenor and bass should read; ‘thug’ instead of ‘thig’.

Tha bean agam-bar 112 & 148 (8 & 44 in booklet), the crotchet and quaver on the word ‘salach’ should be the other way around, in all parts.

Tha bean agam-bar 148-error in Soprano: should be C sharp (t) not C natural (ta)

Tha bean agam- bar 161 (bar 57 in booklet), the soprano part should read; ‘lèine gheal’ instead of ‘Dè nì mi’.

C78 Ruidhlidh na coilich dhubha

Verse 2 should read:

Ma phòsas Annag an-diugh

Pòsaidh gach uile tè
Ma phòsas Annag an-diugh

Sgaradh air an t-seana bhean

A306, Och nan och ’s mi fo lèireadh

In bar 31, Alto line, the the vocable ‘Hur-a’ should be ‘Hiu-ra’.

C78 Gille-Calum (Danns’ a’ chlaidheimh)

The solfa in the first two bars of line two (bar 5 & 6) should read: r, ta, s, f, r, ta

A308 Tha bean agam (Puirt)

Please click on the following amended musical insert for A308 noting additional changes. The insert refers to the port ‘Tha bean agam’, bars 43, 44 & 45 (page 26 of the booklet version). For choirs who are working from the electronic version, these are bars 147, 148 & 149.

INSERT A308.pdf

Keep an eye on our website for any new information about competitions.

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Changes to Syllabus

Published: 04 Apr 2013

An Comunn Gàidhealach has made the following amendments to the Royal National Mod Syllabus which will apply to this year’s Mod:

The following competitions will be removed:

• C47 (Conversation Learners 9-10 years)

• C47A (Conversation Learners 11-12 years)

• C48 (Storytelling Learners 9-10 years)

• C48A (Storytelling Learners 11-12 years)

• C50 (Bible Reading Learners 9-10 years)

• C50A (Bible Reading Learners 11-12 years)

• C82 (Keyboard Open Under 13 years)

• C117 (Keyboard Open 13-18 years)

• C154 (Art Poster Open 16-18 years)

• C170B (Action Song Open Under 19 Years)

• A201 (Recitation, Competitor’s Choice, Senior Learners)

• A202 (Reading Senior Learners)

• A203 (Speech Senior Learners)

• A207 (Recitation, Poetry Composed by Competitor, Senior Fluent)

• A208 (Ancient Folk Tale Senior Fluent)

• A209 (Speech Senior Fluent)

The following competitions will be merged into one competition:

• C24 (Conversation Learners 5-6 years) & C24A (Conversation Learners 7-8 years) will become: C24 (Conversation Learners 5-8 years)

• C25 (Storytelling Learners 5-6 years) & C25A (Storytelling Learners 7-8 years) will become: C25 (Storytelling Learners 5-8 years)

• C39 (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 9-10 years) & C39A (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 11-12 years) will become: C39 (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 9-12 years)

• C43 (Bible Reading Fluent 9-10 years) & C43A (Bible Reading Fluent 11-12 years) will become: C43 (Bible Reading Open 9-12 years)

• C139 (Ancient Folk Tale Fluent 16-18 years), C141 (Storytelling Fluent 16-18 years) and C149 (Storytelling Learners 16-18 years) will become: C141 (Storytelling Open 16-18 years)

• C140 (Understanding Fluent 16-18 years) & C148 (Understanding Learners 16- 18 years) will become: C140 (Understanding Open 16-18 years)

• C143 (Conversation Fluent 16-18 years) & C151 (Conversation Learners 16-18 years) will become: C143 (Conversation Open 16-18 years)

The following competitions will be introduced to the syllabus:

• C178A Accordion (Piano or 3/4/5 row button instrument with Stradella bass) Play a selection of contemporary traditional tunes. Own Choice.

• C180 Waulking (Singing waulking song of own choice. Group must consist of at least 7 persons. Time allocated 10 minutes (this includes setting-up time)).

• C181 New Waulking Song New Gaelic waulking song, put to music. (More than one person may be involved in this work.) Please submit a copy of written music or a CD of the music and written words.

Please click on the following link to view all this year’s competitions. Please ensure you refer to the Rules of the competitions, as there may be amendments which apply to your competitions:

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