Royal National Mòd News

Mod Cook Books!

Published: 13 Dec 2011

Copies of the Mod nan Eilean Siar Cook Book are still available from the An Comunn Gaidhealach office in Stornoway.

They’ll make a great Xmas present or stocking filler!

The Cook Book costs £8.00 and contains over 300 pages covering a wide range of recipes - soups and starters, mains, desserts and home baking!

To buy your copy, call into the An Comunn shop in Perceval Square, Stornoway. Alternatively you can telephone 01851 703 487 or email and we will post one out to you. (Please note an additional charge of £2 will be added for post & packing costs).

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Changes to Gaelic Assessment

Published: 02 Dec 2011

Following the success of this year’s Royal National Mod in the Western Isles (Mod nan Eilean Siar), organisers An Comunn Gaidhealach have announced changes to the Gaelic Assessment scheme, which are now effective for the 2012 event.

The new assessment scheme is similar to the old one but with important differences. There are now sample conversations available online to let competitors see what key structures they should be able to use and the standard of conversation expected for each level. Newly trained assessors will have a check list to ensure the objectivity and fairness of any assessment. Prospective competitors may use any learning method or resources they wish to achieve the fluency required to attain their respective card. An Comunn Gaidhealach recommend that anyone wishing to learn Gaelic in order to gain cards for entry to Mod competitions should visit

For a full detailed description of the new Gaelic assessment scheme please visit this page on our website or contact An Comunn Gàidhealach on 01463 709 705.

Myles Campbell, who devised the scheme said, “We hope that the sample conversations, which will be easily accessible for everyone on the An Comunn website, will be a help for those applying for Bronze, Silver and Gold cards. It is not expected, of course, that the conversations are followed verbatim at the time of assessment,. Being able to use and respond naturally and appropriately to the underlined key structures is the main thing.”

Prospective competitors wishing to compete for the Silver Pendant should note that a silver card will now be required to enter this competition. This change will take immediate effect and means competitors who entered the Silver Pendant at the 2011 Mod with a bronze card will now require to attain a silver card in order to take part in this competition from 2012 onwards.

Mod Director Janet MacDonald added, “An Comunn Gàidhealach’s main objective in organising the Royal National Mòd is the promotion and development of the Gaelic language. With this new assessment scheme it is hoped that we will see competitors making further and continued progress in learning the language in order to gain the cards they need, to compete and take part at the Mòd. The nw scheme is less restrictive for competitors but will ensure equality of standards with the rigid marking scheme.

Individual appointments for Gaelic assessment can be mad at anytime throughout the year by contacting An Comunn Gàidhealach directly at 5 Mitchell’s Lane, Inverness, IV2 3HQ, tel: 01463 709 705, email:

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