Royal National Mòd News

Changes to 2011 Prescribed Pieces

Published: 22 Nov 2010

Please note the following amendments to the 2011 Prescribed Pieces:

Òrain na Cloinne:

Page 2 C23A Dh’ fhalbh a’ radan binneach

To be changed in List of prescribed songs: C23A is ‘Dh’ fhalbh a’ radan binneach’, C23 is ‘Ial Ial Ial Ial Ial Ial ars’ a’ chailleach’

Page 9 C27 Tha bò dhubh agam

4th verse should read;

‘Tha luch dhonn agam, tha luch dhonn bhuam

Tha luch dhonn agam, tha luch dhonn bhuam

Tha luch dhonn agam, tha luch dhonn bhuam

Tha dà luch dhonn ruith san t-sabhal gu luath.’

Còisirean Òigridh:

Page 13 C113 Togail curs air Leòdhas

Verse 4, line 4 should read: ‘S nì sinn tàmhachd san tìr sin gus an sìnear sinn ann’

Page 15 C114 Mo nìonag

Bar 11 (Soprano & Alto): ‘sin’ should be ‘sinn’

Page 10 C73 Hai-o na h-eireagan

Verse 1 The word ‘uigh-ean’ in bar 5 should show a dotted quaver and semi quaver and the words ‘bheir iad’ in bar 7 should show a semi quaver and dotted quaver (as opposed to the other way around)

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Mod Nominated for Event of the Year

Published: 03 Nov 2010

An Comunn Gàidhealach is delighted that the Royal National Mod (2010) has been nominated in the Event of the Year category at the MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards 2010.

The aim of these Awards is to highlight Scotland’s wonderful traditional music in all its forms and to create a high profile opportunity which will bring the music and music industry into the spotlight of media & public attention.

The voting process began on Monday 1st November and finishes on Friday 19th November so we encourage to vote.

People can vote by visiting: Voting Forms can also be downloaded from the site.

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