Royal National Mòd News

Ticket Information 2016

Published: 27 Sep 2016

Tickets are now available for Mòd Fringe events and ticketed Mòd competitions.

You can find further information on Mòd Fringe events here.


Fosgladh Oifigeil
Official Opening

£5 (Buill: An Asgaidh)
£5 (Members: Free)


Ar Cànan ‘s ar Ceòl: Cèol nan Innse Gall
Ar Cànan ‘s ar Ceòl: A Hebridean musical showcase

Cèilidh Phìobaireachd
Piping Ceilidh

Fuaigh Fosgail
Fuaigh Fosgail


Farpais Crìochnachaidh an Aigeallain Airgid
Silver Pendant Final

Farpais Crìochnachaidh an Dràma
Drama Finals

Farpais Crìochnachaidh nam Bonn Òir
Gold Medal Final

Farpais Latharna agus an t-Siorraim
Combined Rural Choirs

Farpais Crìochnachaidh an t-Seann Nòis
Traditional Final

Mac-talla Cogaidh
Echoes of War

Cèilidh Thraidiseanta an Neach-Gairm
Convener’s Traditional Cèilidh

Farpais Thulaich Bhardainn & NicDhonnchaidh
Combined Area Choirs (Lovat & Tullibarnine & Margrat Duncan)

Àite Mo Ghaoil
Place Of My Heart

£12 (Buill: £6)
£12 (Members: £6)


Gach Sgeul
Story Telling

£8 (Buill: £4)
£8 (Members: £4)


Where can I get tickets?

Tickets for all of the above competitions can be purchased in advance from An Comunn Gàidhealach’s Stornoway office or over the phone on 01851 703 487.

Tickets will also be available over Mòd week at the Mòd Information Desk in The Nicolson Institute.

* * *

Tickets for Fuaigh Fosgail can also be purchased from AC MacLean Shop, The Square, Castlebay.

Tickets for the Piping Ceilidh can also be purchased from MacGillivray’s, Balivanich and Taigh Chearsabhagh, Lochmaddy.

* * *

An Lanntair, Stornoway, are also selling tickets for the following events: Solas, Drama Finals & Place Of My Heart.

* * *


Please note that members will have to produce their membership number at the time of purchase. If you are not sure what your membership number is or if your membership is still in date, please contact the Inverness or Stornoway offices on 01463 709 705 or 01851 703 487.

If you would like to become a member, please get in touch with one of our offices or visit Members get a discount of up to 50% on tickets*, that is a big saving if you are planning on attending many events/competitions during the week of the Mod!

£15 – Adults

£5 - Students

*One ticket at half price per member

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Map of Venues

Published: 22 Sep 2016

​Please find below a link to a map showing the venues and car parks in Stornoway that will be used for Mòd nan Eilean 2016.

Stornoway Town Map

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Gaelic Testing Reminder

Published: 13 Sep 2016

Please remember to check if you need a Gaelic testing card in order to compete in the competition that you have entered.

If you are needing a Gaelic testing card to compete at Mòd nan Eilean Siar 2016, please get in contact with Seonag Anderson as soon as possible to book a slot during Mod week as slots will be limited.

Please also be reminded that Gold Card holders wishing to compete in the An Comunn Gàidhealach Gold Medal or Traditional Gold senior competitions must have been tested within the last three years.

If you are not sure if you need a Gaelic test, would like to book a slot, or have any other questions regarding Gaelic testing, please email or phone:

01463 709 705

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Published: 08 Sep 2016

With the start date of Mòd nan Eilean Siar 2016 a mere five weeks away, the local organising committee has been searching for willing volunteers who will help with stewarding duties during Mod week. The new Convenor of the Halls and Stewarding Committee, Iain MacArthur, who hails from Carloway, is optimistic about the challenges facing him and his committee in the few weeks that lie ahead.

As Iain explained:
“The role of the steward is crucial to the smooth running of this prestigious event and many are needed, in particular at the beginning of the week for the children’s competitions. With up to 30 venues being used at the same time, it is important that we have a healthy bank of enthusiastic and willing stewards. Being a steward is also an excellent way to get actively involved in Mòd nan Eilean Siar 2016 and soak up the fantastic atmosphere. We would welcome anybody who has an interest in the language, music and culture to come forward and offer their services”.

If you are interested in being a steward please contact An Comunn Gàidhealach on 01851 703487 and Peigi will pass your details to Iain MacArthur and the Halls & Stewarding Committee.

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