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Fleodragan-cabair (Raft) le Lewis MacKinnon

'S e seinneadair, fear-ciùil agus bàrd a th' ann an Lodaidh MacFhionghain a dh'obraicheas 'na dhreuchd ann a' leasachadh cànan agus cultar nan Gàidheal ann an Albainn Nuaidh, Canada.

Ann an 2011, chaidh urram a thoirt dha mar Bhàrd a' Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail, Alba.

Chaidh a' chiad leabhar aige, Famhair agus Dàin Ghàidhlig Eile, a fhoillseachadh ann an 2008.


Lewis MacKinnon is a singer, poet, musician, who works in Gaelic language and cultural development in Nova Scotia, Canada.

In 2011, he was honoured as Poet Laureate of the Royal National Mòd, Scotland.

His first book, Giant and Other Gaelic Poems was published in 2008.

Product CodeFLEOCAB

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