Cairistìona Camaillean agus an Sgòth Dhraoidheil

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Cairistìona Camaillean agus an Sgòth Dhraoidheil

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Product Information

Cairistìona Camaillean agus an Sgòth Dhraoidheil - Catrìona NicIlleDhuibh

Tha Cairistìona diùid. Nuair a bheir a' ghaoth leatha i gu eilean beag Gàidhealach, feumaidh i dòigh a lorg gus tilleadh dhan fhàsaich. An tèid i am falach, no am bi misneachd gu leòr aice gus cuideachadh iarraidh?


Cairistìona is shy. When the wind takes her to a small Highland island, she must find a way to return to the desert. Will she hide, or will she have enough confidence to get help?

Product CodeCCaaSG

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