An Cuala Tu Riamh...?

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An Cuala Tu Riamh...?

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Product Information

An Cuala Tu Riamh...? - Gwen Bowie / Karen Hendry / Margaret Mulholland

Dè air thallamh a tha na meanbh-bhiastagan a' dèanamh aig bonn a' ghàrraidh? Rann, tòimhseachain agus stòiridh a chuideachas le puingean sònraichte a thogail ann an dòigh spòrsail. Gheibh luch-ionnsachaidh taic le dòighean-labhairt agus tuigse bhon eadar-theangachadh agus bhon bheag-fhaclair.


What are the insects doing at the bottom of the garden? A Gaelic rhyme, some puzzles and a little story to help reinforce some language structures in a fun way. The story is translated and a glossary of words and phrases is provided to help learners of Gaelic pronounce wirds as well as understand them.

Product CodeACTR

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