101 Uses for Baler Twine

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101 Uses for Baler Twine

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Product Information

A must have for country dwellers the world over who already know the astonishing number of ways, apart from baling hay, in which the ubiquitous baler twine can be used- and a recipe book of possibilities for the first time user! Leabhar ion-mhainnaichte do mhuinntir an tuath aig a bheil fìor eòlas air an iomadh dòigh iongantach anns an gabh sreang na bèile a chleachdadh- a thuilleadh air a' ceangal fheòir- agus gu bearbha don fheadhainn nach eil eòlach, bidh sibh air ur beò ghlachadh le cho innleachdach sa tha sreang na bèile!

Product Code101J9

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